• Free shipping for all orders
  • Orders will be processed within 1 or 2 business days and shipped accordingly
  • Estimated transit for international orders is 4 to 8 business days depending on the location
  • A tracking number will be provided with every order
  • Free returns on orders over 350.00 USD.
  • To issue a return on orders under 350.00 USD customer will have to pay for the cost of the return to our warehouse in the U.S.
  • In case of an exchange we will take care of the cost of shipping on the new item, and the customer will cover cost of shipping of the item that is being exchanged to our warehouse. 
  • All items must be returned with the same conditions as they were shipped, with its original packaging and labels, damage free, unused and unwashed. Customers will have 30 days to request a return once they receive the package.
  • Returns will be taken for a full refund, if it applies. This process can take up to 10 business days and refund will be applied
  • Sea Salt reserves the right to deny a return in case items have been altered in any way.
  • For a return request you must contact us at with your order information to start the return process properly